June 10-13, 2025, Rostock, Germany

About the program

Our program is taking shape! We have received and reviewed all regular and special session paper submissions. We are now open for WiP and Demo paper submissions. After completing this step, we will finalize the presentation schedule and share more details soon. In addition to our academic program, we are also putting together an exciting Industry Panel, which will feature thought leaders from the field sharing their expertise and experiences. More information on this will follow shortly - stay tuned!

In the meantime, you can already find an overview of our exciting Keynotes and Tutorials below. We will also be sharing more detailed information on the program schedule and other important details soon, so stay tuned for updates.

Registration is now open! Authors are encouraged to take advantage of our early bird rates and secure their spot soon. Don't wait - register now and join us for an exciting event!


Keynote 1: Communalities and differences in the quest for the optimum communication infrastructure in cars and factories

Keynote speaker: Kirsten Matheus, BMW Group
Keynote speaker: Kirsten Matheus, BMW Group

Keynote speaker: Kirsten Matheus, BMW, Munich, Germany

Short bio:

Dr. Kirsten Matheus is engineer and economist. Since 2003, she worked in the automotive industry; since 2009 at BMW. At BMW she is responsible for the strategy for the in-vehicle networking technologies. This entails ensuring the availability of suitable in-vehicle networking technologies well before application engineers want to use them. In this context she successfully introduced Ethernet as a networking technology into the automotive industry. In her opinion, only open standards provide the basis for long term sustainability of networking technologies. She and her former colleague Thomas Königseder describe their experiences, background and technical concepts behind the use of Ethernet in the automotive industry in a book titled “Automotive Ethernet”. Her new book, co-authored by her colleague Michael Kaindl, “Automotive High Speed Communication Technologies, SerDes and Ethernet for Sensor and Display Applications”, appeared in Autumn 2022.


In factories as well as in cars, the communication infrastructure has grown, diversified and changed with the EE-architectures. In both cases harmonization has been strived for, in both cases Ethernet has been adopted as a communication technology. This presentation explores the communalities and difference between the two industries in respect to the communication infrastructure and investigates the synergy potentials.  

Keynote 2: Has the Time come for Flexible Real-Time Systems?

Keynote speaker: Luis Almeida, University of Porto, CISTER

Short bio:

Luis Almeida graduated in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering in 1988 and received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 1999, both from the University of Aveiro in Portugal. He is currently Full Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Porto (UP), Portugal, and Vice-Director of the CISTER research unit at UP where he coordinates the Distributed and Real-Time Embedded Systems (DaRTES) laboratory. Among several appointments, he was Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems (2020-2021) and Trustee of the RoboCup Federation (2008–2016) including Vice-President (2011-2013). We was also Program and General Chair of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (2011–2012 respectively), General Co-Chair of CPS week 2018, WFCS 2020 and 2024, and currently of ETFA 2025. His research interests revolve around real-time communications for distributed industrial/embedded systems and for systems-of-systems.


Recent growing frameworks such as the IoT, IIot, Cloud/Fog/Edge computing, CPS, etc, have enabled new real-time applications, creating new challenges. From smart cities to health monitoring, intelligent transportation, autonomous vehicles, Industry 4.0, etc, all rely on complex services provided by complex distributed platforms. However, as opposed to classical real-time appications that were statically deployed at system boot time on known platforms, contemporary applications demand dynamic service management over dynamic platforms, while meeting all timing requirements. This is a significant challenge that requires appropriate solutions from the node level to the network and system-wide levels.

In this talk we will revisit some of our contributions to open and adaptive real-time network protocols that are fundamental to support dynamic management of real-time services. Starting from earlier work with the Flexible Time-Triggered paradigm, we will then analyze the provision of dynamic real-time communication and network reservations using existing standards, particularly Software-Defined Networking and Time-Sensitive Networking. Finally, we will address the timing behaviour of the management mechanisms, a commonly overlooked dimension of dynamic real-time systems, ending with an overview of related open challenges.


Luis Almeida
Distributed and Real-Time Embedded Systems Lab (DaRTES)
CISTER - Research Center on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems
IT - Instituto de Telecomunicações (Porto)
University of Porto - Faculty of Engineering

Tutorial Day


Tutorial 1: Simulating Time-Sensitive Networking using OMNeT++/INET Framework
  • Levente Mészáros (levente.meszaros@omnest.com), OpenSim Ltd. (Hungary), OMNeT++/INET Framework Senior Software Engineer
  • András Varga (andras@omnetpp.org), OpenSim Ltd. (Hungary), Chief Technology Officer

About the tutorial:

OMNeT++ is an extensible, modular, component-based C++ simulation library and framework, primarily for building network simulators. OMNeT++ offers an Eclipse-based IDE, a graphical runtime environment, and a host of other tools. There are extensions for real-time simulation, network emulation, database integration, SystemC integration, and several other functions.

INET is an open-source model suite that extends OMNeT++ for simulating wired, wireless, ad hoc, and sensor networks, along with a broad range of protocols (e.g., TCP, UDP, IPv4/IPv6, Ethernet, Wi-Fi). It includes modular protocol stacks, mobility models, and support for various routing protocols, providing a ready-to-use library of network elements that can be combined to form complex network simulations.

This tutorial will give an introduction to simulating Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) technologies using the OMNeT++ discrete event simulator and the INET Framework model library. Participants will learn OMNeT++ simulation concepts, how the INET Framework supports network protocol and traffic modeling. Key TSN scenarios will be demonstrated through illustrative examples using the simulation environment.

Tutorial outline:

1. Introduction to OMNeT++ simulation

  • Overview of OMNeT++ simulation concepts
  • Overview of the INET Framework as the main model library

2. Time-Sensitive Networking Use Cases

  • Cut-through switching
  • Frame preemption
  • Scheduling and traffic shaping
  • Per-stream filtering and policing
  • Automatic gate schedule configuration
  • Time synchronization
  • Frame replication and elimination for reliability

Expected outcome/ learning goal:

Participants will gain a practical understanding of how to model and evaluate key TSN mechanisms in OMNeT++/INET Framework. They will learn to build TSN networks, configure TSN specific parameters, and interpret simulation results to assess performance and reliability. By the end of this tutorial, attendees should feel confident building TSN simulations and using the results to guide design and implementation decisions.

Expected audience:

Researchers, graduate students, and industry practitioners interested in evaluating TSN solutions. Understanding of computer networking concepts is assumed, but no prior TSN and OMNeT++/INET Framework experience is required.

Duration: 90 min


Tutorial 2: Openwifi and its Wireless Times Sensitive Networking Extension: from basic principle to deep dive
  • Xianjun Jiao, Jetmir Haxhibeqiri, & Pablo Esteban Avila Campos
  • imec, IDLab Ghent University, Belgium

About the tutorial:

Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) has been a transformative technology driving the evolution of factory communication by providing deterministic and highly reliable communications. Although TSN was originally designed for use with Ethernet-based wired networks, in recent years, both academia and industry have made significant efforts to enable time-sensitive networking for wireless communications. The primary candidate technologies for deterministic wireless communications are cellular technology (5G/6G) and IEEE 802.11, also known as Wi-Fi. Both technologies have incorporated features in their latest generations that can facilitate deterministic communication over wireless networks.

Focusing on utilizing Wi-Fi for deterministic communication, one major hindrance to future wireless TSN innovation is the lack of openness in Wi-Fi chip design and the absence of interfaces to interact with low-level Wi-Fi features. To overcome this limitation, openwifi, the first Linux-compatible, open-source soft-MAC Wi-Fi chip design, offers an open architecture for both physical and MAC layers. The first version of openwifi was released in 2019 and is maintained by IDLab, imec, and Ghent University.

This tutorial will begin with a brief introduction to the evolution of Wi-Fi standards. Next, we will introduce the fundamental principles of Wi-Fi chip design and the openwifi architecture at both physical and MAC layers. The power of an open design enables dedicated features related to wireless time-sensitive networking, as well as Wi-Fi features still under standardization. We will discuss openwifi's unique time-sensitive networking features, such as high-accuracy time synchronization (<50ns), time-triggered gating and packet scheduling, and time-based channel access parameter updates. Each feature will be described with results from real test-bed measurements.

In the second part of the tutorial, we will delve deeper into the challenges of wireless environments for deterministic communication and demonstrate how each openwifi feature overcomes these challenges (e.g., shared medium, slow handovers, traffic initiation, and node bootstrapping). We will provide detailed explanations of how we have implemented deterministic node bootstrapping mechanisms and fast, deterministic handovers using openwifi. Each solution will be backed by both simulated and real measurements from the openwifi testbed. Additionally, we will share our experience in integrating Wi-Fi and wired TSN for wireless-wired end-to-end deterministic networking.

The final session will feature a demo session where various demonstrations will showcase the utilization of W-TSN for different industrial communication applications, followed by an open discussion with the audience.

Tutorial outline:

The tutorial will be composed of three parts of 45 minutes. The first two sessions will include two presentations related to the development and features of openwifi and its usage of enabling time-sensitive networking in wireless domain. The last session is dedicated to demos and hands-on experience for the audience. The topics to be covered during this session will include, but not limited to:

  • Brief introduction of Wi-Fi standard and its evolution

  • How a Wi-Fi chip run internally: openwifi design

  • An overview of openwifi’s special capabilities (sensing, accurate time synchronization, time-based gating mechanism, scheduling, time-based channel access parameter control)

  • Deterministic node bootstrapping solution powered by openwifi 

  • Fast and deterministic handover in W-TSN 

  • New Wi-Fi features that can enable determinism in Wi-Fi: C-SR and R-TWT

  • Demos

  • Discussion

Expected outcome/ learning goal: What can the audience expect from the tutorial? 

After attending this tutorial, the audience would become familiar with openwifi, the first opensource implementation of Wi-Fi and how the platform can be used for W-TSN innovation. The following learning outcomes are expected:

  • In-depth knowledge/understanding of how Wi-Fi chip runs internally

  • How to customize your own “Wi-Fi chip” for special applications, such as Wi-Fi sensing, TSN, etc...

  • The audience will grasp the challenges of bringing time sensitive networking to Wi-Fi

  • The audience will get into details of implementation of basic time sensitive features in openwifi: time synchronization, scheduling, management and monitoring

  • The audience will get into details regarding time-sensitive node bootstraping and handover utilizing openwifi

  • Perspectives of upcoming features (e.g. C-SR, R-TWT) 

  • The audience will get informed for several use case scenarios for industrial communication where openwifi W-TSN can be used

Expected audience:

Background in wireless communication is expected. For W-TSN and other TSN related topics we will start from simple scenarios. The expected audience is expected from this expertises:

  • Wireless networking researcher (MAC procotol,etc.)
  • Digital Signal Processing design for real system/chip (PHY, RF, etc.)

  • Wireless system developer (for special/industrial/conferencing applications)

  • Low level (PHY and MAC) researcher and developer

  • (W-)TSN system researchers and developers

  • (W-)TSN system integrators

Duration: 3 units of 45 min 

  • 45 min: From Wi-Fi to openwifi: an opensource Wi-Fi chip

  • 45min: Wireless Time Sensitive Networking utilizing openwifi

  • 45min: Demos and discussions


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