
Paper submission

Regular and Special Session Papers: up to 8 double-column pages, following the IEEE conference template.
Work-in-Progress (WiP) Papers: up to 4 double-column pages, following the IEEE conference template.
Demonstration Paper: 2 double-column pages, following the IEEE conference template.

All accepted regular, special session, and WiP papers that will be presented at the conference will be published in IEEE proceedings and will appear in IEEE Xplore.

Submission of the final versions of papers

The final versions of papers, prepared according to the IEEE conference template, must be checked to verify that they comply with the IEEE rules.

Please use the IEEE PDF eXpress tool to check that everything is fine.

Accepted papers that fail this check or exceed the allowed number of pages will NOT be included in the WFCS 2025 conference proceedings.

First-time users must create an account, providing 63373X as a Conference ID.

Submit your paper

Remark for Demo Submissions

Please do not forget to additionally upload any requirements necessary for presenting your demo at the IEEE WFCS 2025. Please use this upload form to submit the demo requirements listed in a separate PDF document. The password for the upload form is WFCS.


Logo Uni Rostock
Logo Institute MD